2022 Year in Review: Media Coverage – WPI News

By admin

December 20, 2022

Common Searches:Ulkuhan Guler, assistant professor of electrical engineering, has got a small invention to help her achieve a big goal: she’s developing a patch with miniaturized sensors and electronics that can continuously collect all of the critical measures of respiration to provide an early warning of potentially serious complications. Read more about her work in the Fall 2022 issue of the WPI Journal, and explore the rest of the issue.Albert Simeoni, head of WPI’s Fire Protection Engineering Department, led the university’s research for The New York Times report focused on better understanding what led to the fatal Bronx apartment fire and helping to prevent future tragedies.My field of research in Applied Mathematics is small-scale fluid mechanics and microfluidics. My research includes both mathematical modeling and physical experiments. In particular, I am interested in particle and solute transport in small-scale systems, such as municipal water filtration facilities. I enjoy teaching courses fundamental to applied mathematics and modeling, and I look forward to mentoring students on projects both in and outside the lab. I am very active in outreach and advocacy projects focused on gender and racial equity with various organizations.My research interests lie in the broad area of circuits and systems, and my primary area of interest is analog/mixed signal integrated circuits. More specifically, I am interested in the circuit design of sensing interfaces and energy harvesting and wireless power transmission systems for applications in the IoT.My research focuses on combining bio-instructive biomaterials with cells to design 3D tissue-engineered platforms for regenerative medicine, disease modeling, improved predictability of therapeutic outcomes, and as translatable technologies for clinic and industry.Autonomous vehicles – aircraft, cars, rovers, over- and underwater vehicles that can move in the real world by themselves without human pilotage – have gained immense importance not only due to the broad spectrum of their potential military and civilian applications, but also due to the concurrent development of sensor technology and embedded systems that enable the realization of true autonomy.If you’re a member of the media looking for information about WPI or for an expert to interview for a story, contact us at media@wpi.edu.Faculty members and senior administrators are available to offer ideas, opinions, analysis, and commentary on issues ranging from higher education to current events, trending topics, and breaking news.Tech News (formerly known as The Towers) is WPI’s student-run weekly newspaper covering the latest local, national, and international news; community events; campus activities; and issues impacting WPI students. It is one of the oldest recognized student groups on campus. New issues are available on Tuesdays both digitally and in newsstands across campus.Visit our WPI Today page for more information on having your events or announcements included.
