computer aided engineering Archives – insideBIGDATA

By admin

January 19, 2022

The essential first step for manufacturers is to consider how much data the enterprise has at its disposal. Most manufacturers collect vast troves of process data but typically use it only for tracking purposes, not as a basis for improving operations. The challenge is for these players to invest in the systems and skillsets that will allow them to enhance their use of existing process statistics. This Guide, sponsored by Dell Technologies, will walk through some of the ways to expand the scope of analytics to further increase business value.

In this special guest feature, Robert Clark, CEO of Cloverleaf Analytics, discusses trends and other factors driving what he believes to be a major year for big data analytics and BI in insurance in 2022. The article will outline a few major reasons why insurance can become a standard-bearer regarding innovative uses of big data and analytics.

This white paper by enterprise search specialists Lucidworks, points out that unlike consumer search, which has become a seamless part of our everyday lives, the enterprise side might as well still be running Windows 95. Imagine if Amazon, Google, or Facebook treated every user the same, regardless of who they are, where they are, what they’re searching for, and what they’ve clicked. Your users expect that same sophistication in their enterprise apps.

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