Computer Engineering Student Spotlight: Angela – All Together – Society of Women Engineers

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November 01, 2022

Home » Collegiate » Computer Engineering Student Spotlight: Angela

Meet Angela Larson (Angie), she is a sophomore at the University of Minnesota. She is a computer engineering major, but when not in class, likes to cook healthy meals and go on outdoor walks.I first learned about computer engineering from my dad. He is an electrical engineer, so he inspired me to be an engineer.I decided to be a computer engineer because I like to code and computer engineers are the type of engineering that involves the most coding. I wanted to see not only how my favorite apps are made, but also how the computers and phones I access them on are made.In high school, my hobby was Journalism, so I would write and edit for my school newspaper. Although I became one of the head editors my senior year, I did not want to be a journalist because my favorite subject was not English. My favorite subjects in school were math and science, and because computer engineering involves math, science and coding, I decided to pursue computer engineering.In my family, my dad, my uncle and my grandpa are all engineers. My great grandpa was also an engineer. Although I am not the first engineer in my family, I am the first computer engineer.My favorite part about studying computer engineering is being able to create projects in class. Whether I am hands-on building a circuit in my electrical engineering classes, or coding a beautiful picture in my coding classes, I love being able to use my abilities to create something meaningful.When I graduate from college, I want to get a job designing and revising the internal parts of technology in order to create new technology or improve current technology.My advice for readers who may want to be engineers is to explore math and science classes, and to talk to a mentor who is a computer engineer. It is good to talk to someone who has computer engineering experience so you can ask questions and see if computer engineering seems interesting!SWE BlogSWE Blog provides up-to-date information and news about the Society and how our members are making a difference every day. You’ll find stories about SWE members, engineering, technology, and other STEM-related topics.Michelle StarkMichelle Stark, P.E. is an electrical engineer design consultant at CDM Smith. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Norwich University and is a wife and mom of (4) wonderful children.All Together is the blog of the Society of Women Engineers. Find stories about SWE members, engineering, technology, and other STEM related topics. It’s up-to-date information and news about the Society and how our members are making a difference everyday.Copyright © 2021 Society of Women EngineersSession expiredPlease log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page.
