Manjunath – NSF Grant | Electrical and Computer Engineering | UC Santa Barbara – UCSB ECE

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January 12, 2022

ECE Prof. B.S. Manjunath and four Materials professors receive an NSF grant of $578,000 (2 years) to develop an ultrafast, ultrasensitive direct electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) instrument for the widely accessible scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) platformExcerpt from the COE/CLS Convergence magazine (F/W21) article “New Grants”Daniel Gionola (MAT), Michael Chabinyc (MAT), Tresa Pollock (MAT), B. S. Manjunath (ECE), Raphaële Clément (MAT)Electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) is a powerful, widely used characterization technique for mapping and analyzing phases in materials. The advent of direct electron detection, which circumvents inefficient conversion between electrons and photons, has revolutionized the field of transmission electron microscopy, but its use in scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) is in its infancy. In this project, researchers will develop an ultrafast, ultrasensitive direct electron EBSD instrument for the widely accessible SEM platform, providing a rich opportunity for materials research currently hindered by electron beam damage and temporal limitations of detectors. The development project improves on the state-of-the-art EBSD acquisition speed and enhances sensitivity through a new sensor design, unlocking the most vexing challenges in the rapid 3D characterization of additively manufactured materials and emerging dose-sensitive materials.COE/CLS Convergence magazine (F/W21) – “New Grants” (pg. 36) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering College of EngineeringUC Santa Barbara 2021 © Regents of the University of California
