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Marshall engineering, occupational safety and health programs renew accreditation – Huntington Herald Dispatch

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Clear skies. Low 61F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: September 20, 2022 @ 4:08 pm

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HUNTINGTON — Marshall University engineering programs, as well as the occupational safety and health program, in Marshall’s College of Engineering and Computer Sciences have successfully renewed their accreditation from ABET, a premier nonprofit, non-governmental agency that accredits programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.
ABET accreditation indicates that Marshall’s programs meet their industries’ quality standards and that Marshall graduates are prepared to meet the most up-to-date needs and challenges in their fields, according to a news release.
The academic programs that received renewed accreditation through Sept. 30, 2028, include the B.S. in occupational safety and health, B.S. in electrical and computer engineering, B.S. in mechanical engineering and B.S. in engineering
Marshall’s B.S. in biomedical engineering and B.S. in civil engineering received initial accreditation in October 2020, which continues through September 2028.
“This represents every engineering program that the college offers as well as the Occupational Safety and Health program in the college,” said David Dampier, dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences.
“The process began with a comprehensive self-study of quality processes in all programs. This self-study is an introspection of the education and assessment processes used to ensure a quality education for all students.”
The self-study was reviewed by a team of program evaluators last fall, Dampier said.
“The result of that evaluation was that all programs were evaluated to have no shortcomings with respect to the criteria for accreditation,” he said. “ABET accreditation is seen as the measure of a quality engineering education. For engineering disciplines, it is a prerequisite for licensure as a professional engineer. It helps ensure that our graduates become licensed PE’s and find employment.
“The students in our programs are learning from outstanding faculty who have done exceptional work in their fields,” Dampier said. “Our continued accreditation can be attributed to their expertise and hard work, and the great work of our staff who assisted in this rigorous process.”
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