Quae hires a new head of marketing – The Stute – The Stute

By admin

September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022The independent student newspaper of Stevens Institute of Technology

In September 2020, Software Engineering major Brendan Probst and computer engineer Samuel Schmitt founded Quae: an interactive voting platform for the students of Stevens and Hoboken citizens to make more of a difference in their community. Quae offers a place for students to express their opinions, raise concerns, voice issues, and vote on daily discussions. By presenting a system to vote and discuss the problems of Stevens and Hoboken, Quae is working to lower the barriers to making a difference in the community. Recently, Quae hired a new team member to aid in their mission: Head of Marketing Cris Sosa.Recently, Probst and Schmitt reached out to the community through LinkedIn in search of a head of marketing. While speaking with Probst, he said Quae was looking for help to allow him and Schmitt, the co-founders, “time to focus on furthering the company.”  Through their LinkedIn search, they came across Cris Sosa. Sosa earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing from Rutgers University’s Business School and is a graduate student of Strayer University. Sosa has previous experience with social media, advertising, and other managerial positions. In his position as Head of Marketing, he will work to spread the work of Quae, make it more accessible, and ease communication between Quae and the general public. Sosa agrees with the missions and goals of Quae and embodies their objectives of inclusive community involvement and empowering the masses towards a democratic system. Sosa said in a press release, “democracy is at its strongest when everyone has equal footing to participate. I see Quae breaking down barriers and revolutionizing how people communicate with their representatives.”  Quae is looking to continue its work into the future. With the addition of Sosa to their team, the co-founders will now have more opportunities to expand their work in furthering democracy and other ventures. Probst explained that Quae is entering the investment industry, working on corporate organization, and continuing research and development on Quae and the democratic processes of Stevens and Hoboken.  Quae offers both the students of Stevens and the people of Hoboken an opportunity to have first-hand influence in their communities. The introduction of Sosa as Head of Marketing exhibits the organization’s openness to grow with the times— to face and overcome the challenges each new day presents. The past work of Quae conveys a message of democratic and representative ideals. With the addition of Cris Sosa to their staff, the future of Quae looks bright and promising. For more information, please see the recent Press Releaseby Quae.Published in Campus News

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